Cholera outbreak hits Buhera


A CHOLERA outbreak has hit Buhera, Manicaland province, with the health authorities in the district reportedly employing all measures to stop the spread of the deadly water-borne disease.


Speaking yesterday during a post-Cabinet briefing, Information minister Jenfan Muswere said government had reactivated the district’s Department of Civil Protection to enlighten residents on the subject.

“The Minister of Health also presented a report on preventive measures with respect to reported cases of cholera in Buhera. Cabinet would like to inform the nation that the government has instituted a number of measures to contain the reported Buhera incidents such as mobilising equipment for borehole drilling, advocacy and activation of the district Department of Civil Protection. The nation will be kept abreast of developments on the matter,”

he said.


According to sources, the cholera outbreak has affected a number of Grade 7 pupils sitting for their final examinations, especially in Buhera Central constituency.


Meanwhile, Muswere said government would provide bulk water bowsers to Harare’s residential areas following council’s failure to provide the precious liquid.

Following reports by the Harare City Council on its failure to provide bulk water to the city, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development convened a meeting of the national action committee on water, sanitation and hygiene.


“The committee found out that the main challenges affecting the City of Harare are as follows: heavy pollution of water supply dams (Chivero and Manyame) leading to excessive use of water treatment chemicals, aged units constantly breaking down, aged water supply infrastructure leading to reduction in treatment capacity and high water losses, and failure by City of Harare to pay for water treatment chemicals to meet the current treatment capacity of 520 megalitres per day,”

he said.


Council last week announced that the acute water shortages in the city were caused by a “lake turn” phenomenon at Lake Chivero, the city’s main water supply dam.

A lake turn is a natural phenomenon which occurs when warm water at the bottom of a lake rises to the top following a sudden change in weather such as a cold front.
