In a tragic incident, a 39-year-old man lost his life when his friend stabbed him multiple times with an Okapi knife during a dispute over $2 in Highfield, Harare.
Tendai Hove (39), the suspect in this case, has been arrested in connection with the murder, according to a statement from national police spokesperson Assistant Commissioner Paul Nyathi.
Nyathi confirmed the arrest, stating,
“Police in Harare have arrested Tendai Hove aged 39 in connection with a case of murder in which he stabbed his friend, Godwin Mututa aged 39 with an Okapi knife several times on the arm and back after an argument over US$2 along 209 Street, Western Canaan in Highfield. The victim died upon admission at a hospital in Harare.”
In a separate incident, Concession police have arrested Greymore Mberenga (18) and Admire Mberenga (26) in connection with a murder case at Hermiston Farm Compound on November 19. The suspects allegedly stabbed Owen Lionde (26) on the leg, back, and head for reasons unknown. Owen Lionde died upon admission to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals.