Horrifying Witchcraft Confessions: Three Zimbabwean Women Prey on Infants, Claim to Consume All Body Parts Including Male Joysticks & Female Honeypots – Three Zimbabwean women have been caught on camera making shocking confessions about their alleged involvement in witchcraft. These women, in a chilling revelation on Zimbo Live, claimed they prey on infants using a sinister herb known as ‘Nyengerekesi’ to induce illness and death.
In their disturbing account, the women explained the terrifying process. They tie a charm around their waists and venture into public spaces, where they approach unsuspecting mothers, requesting to hold their babies. Once they come into contact with the infants, the babies fall gravely ill. If the children are not brought back to them for treatment, they die, leaving their families in despair.
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The women revealed an eerie method of travel, claiming they use a winnowing basket to fly through the night. Armed with a cooking stick, they knock on the doors of their victims, casting their malevolent spells whenever their dark duty calls. But their confessions grew even more macabre.
In a bone-chilling revelation, they described using the same cooking stick to knock on graves, magically retrieving bodies for consumption. They admitted to a horrifying preference for the tender meat and bones of babies, avoiding only the intestines due to their fecal content. Their gruesome practices, they said, were a ‘gift’ inherited from their great-grandmothers, a dark legacy they had upheld for many years.
The trio claimed to have feasted on 30 infants, their faces showing no remorse as they detailed their horrifying acts. This disturbing confession has sent shockwaves through the community, leaving a trail of fear and revulsion in its wake.
Watch video on ZimboLive below to see how widespread witchcraft is: