MASVINGO – The Minister of State for Masvingo, Ezra Chadzamira shocked people gathered at a soil and water conservation launch day when he told civil servants that they should work with Zanu PF because it is the party that is paying them so that they can eat and go to the toilet.
Chadzamira was speaking at Bengo homestead in Masvingo rural Ward 11 on Friday last week at a function organised by the Ministry of Agriculture, Water and Fisheries’ department of mechanisation.
He left his audience shell-shocked.
He warned civil servants who are not allegiant to the ruling party that they would soon be fired. He was particularly irked by Agritex officers who he accused of not cooperating with the ruling party.
“Civil servants must know that they are working for a ZANU PF Government and it is the one that makes them able to visit the toilet,” said Chadzamira.
The gathering had civil servants from different Government Departments including the Police.
He promised civil servants that this time they will also be included on social welfare programmes as Government is aware that they are also hungry.
“No one should be left out in the Government food programmes even civil servants because they are also hungry” said Chadzamira.