Lifestyle: Money Lenders Chasing On Mai Titi After She Burns US$6 000-worth Wedding Gown


Debt-ridden socialite, Felistas “Mai Titi” Edwards has revealed that some of the people she had borrowed money from for her wedding are chasing after her.

Mai Titi had a flamboyant wedding with her US-based beau Tinashe Maphosa where she splashed up to US$100 000 back in April.


So extravagant was the wedding ceremony that Mai Titi invited South African songbird, Kelly Khumalo to serenade guests.


However, it later turned out that she did not fork the whole amount from her own pocket. According to the comedienne, she borrowed some of the money in anticipation that her husband would reimburse as agreed.

Alas, after the wedding, Maphosa did not honour his word, which led to Mai Titi’s public melt down.


The public spat soon degenerated and the two had to call it quits just four months into their union.


In a move to signify a new chapter, Mai Titi last week burnt her expensive wedding gown which she initially said was worth US$4 000 before changing goal posts to a whopping US$6 000.

Many found her actions insensible considering the fact that there was once a Go Fund Me campaign to help pull her out of debt.


Now, just a few days after burning the dress, Mai Titi has revealed that people she owe money are on her case after they spotted her looking glamorous at the recently held Miss Zimbabwe Beauty Contest 2022.

“My Satday outfit got me in trouble with someone I’m owing hanzi zvinhu zvako zvikufamba not knowing kuti zvinhu zvakamira but that won’t stop me from looking good. Us we got designers who will design clothes for us even for free mufunge kutokusonera even on 0 payment because we have built that relationship navo. So ndogona kupfeka the most expensive outfit yandatopiwa iwe wotokwira hako bp ayiwa Tapiwa I just told myself that I refuse to look like my problems chete. But maproblems acho atoritiii
