Man offers US$10 a month for his two kids…

Man offers US$10 a month for his two kids…

A HARARE man offered US$10, and $60 000 a month, for the maintenance of his two children.

His ex-wife had demanded US$200 and $80 000 in child support.


Jane Muchenyura told the Harare Civil Court that her ex-husband, Farai Madzambe, was a negligent father.


Jane prayed that the court grants her application saying this could help her pay school fees for the two kids.


“The younger one, who is four years-old, should be enrolled at a school, but he refuses to pay fees.

“He should pitch in when it comes to our kids, but he is being influenced badly by his new wife,” Jane said.


Farai said he wasn’t in a position to pay what she was demanding as he is a marketing assistant.


“I earn $219 000 and my current wife is pregnant and in need of special care.

“Jane calls me non-stop and it’s annoying.

“I’m offering $60 000 and US$10 for both of my kids and I will pay fees directly to the school,” he said.


Magistrate Sharon Mashavira ordered Farai to pay US$20 and $80 000.


“Your pay slip indicates that you earn $277 000 and US$55 allowances.


“Why did you lie to the court? We will use this as our first evidence exhibit,” magistrate Mashavira said.
