New Study Reveals Cheating Is Good For Your Marriage

New Study Reveals Cheating Is Good For Your Marriage

A New research has challenged the conventional wisdom surrounding marital fidelity, suggesting that cheating might surprisingly be good for your marriage.


The groundbreaking findings were made following a survey of 1,400 individuals who openly admitted to cheating on their spouses.

Rather than having tlof tlof with their partners just once or twice a month, these individuals found themselves being more active, with a frequency of up to six times a month—three times more than their usual rate.


Simultaneously, they maintained a similar frequency of encounters with their secret lovers, resulting in a total of 12 intimate encounters per month. This frequency, averaging three times a week, exceeds the national average for couples in Britain.

According to the study conducted by the extramarital dating site, nine out of ten participants who were having an affair admitted to continuing to have tlof tlof with their spouses. When asked about the impact of their affairs on their relationships, 72% reported a “dramatic improvement,” while only 2% said things had become frosty, and 26% observed no noticeable difference.


Responding to questions about changes in their bedroom activity with their spouses since starting an affair, 52% claimed an increase, with only 23% reporting a decrease, and 25% stating that it remained unchanged.


A spokesperson for Illicit Encounters commented on the findings, stating,


“We polled 1,400 married members to see what effect having an affair has had on their relationship at home. We found that 72% of married people say they’re happier in their marriage since starting an affair, and of those, 52% said they’re actually having more sex than ever with their spouses.”