Potraz Sounds Alarm on Excessive Adult Consumption as Zimbabwe Tops Viewership Charts
National Technology

Potraz Sounds Alarm on Excessive Adult Consumption as Zimbabwe Tops Viewership Charts

The Postal and Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz) has raised concerns over the high consumption of lula lula content in the country.


According to Potraz, adult entertainment sites consistently rank among the top ten most visited websites by Zimbabweans.


Evidence Mazhindu, Potraz’s CIRT & Enforcement Deputy Director, revealed these alarming statistics during an interview with ZiFM Stereo News in Gweru, Midlands province.

Mazhindu attributed this trend primarily to idleness among the youth and stressed the need for increased investment in ICT research initiatives.


“Our statistics show a disturbing trend in the consumption of adult content. It highlights a broader issue of how our youth are spending their time online,”

Mazhindu stated.



Zimbabwe Popular Searches

He revealed that top search categories in Zimbabwe currently include betting, adult content sites and social media platforms like Facebook.



“If you look at the most searched sites right now, it’s betting, adult entertainment sites, and Facebook,”

Mazhindu revealed.


Need for Educational Resources

Mazhindu argued that providing more educational and practical online resources could help steer the youth away from these sites.


“We need to create more research sites and practical channels where young people can contribute to national and educational efforts,”

he suggested.



He stated that this could help mitigate the current trend of idleness that leads them to such sites.


The shocking revelation by Evidence Mazhindu has sparked a flurry of reactions on social media. Many people agreed with him but argued that Zimbabwe is not the only country that tops the charts when it comes to lula lula viewership.

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