RBZ Freezes Four “Gold Mafia” Suspects’ Assets
Crimes and Courts Scandals

RBZ Freezes Four “Gold Mafia” Suspects’ Assets

The four individuals were featured in a documentary by Al Jazeera titled “Gold Mafia” and were filmed by undercover journalists who posed as investors revealing how they facilitate gold smuggling and money laundering. Reads the FIU memo:

You are being directed to immediately identify and freeze all assets of the following individuals; Cleopas Chidodo, David Chirozvi, Mehlululi Dube and Fredrick Kunaka.

May you also freeze all assets of legal persons and arrangements associated with them. Kindly treat this request as urgent.

Chidodo is the Civil Aviation Authority of Zimbabwe Head of Security. He appeared in Episode 2 of the documentary explaining how he assists gold smugglers avoid detection at the Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport.


Chirozvi is the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe’s Aurex Jewellery Head of Finance.


Kunaka is the General Manager of Fidelity Printers and Refiners. He told the undercover reporters that he received a kickback of US$30 000 a month from the “Gold Mafia”.


Dube, who is associated with Golden Beryl Private Limited, was allegedly being paid US$3 000 per month by the gold smuggling syndicate.