S3x workers drugs client, dumps him in maize field and disappears with his car
Crimes and Courts

S3x workers drugs client, dumps him in maize field and disappears with his car


A HARARE man lost his vehicle to a s3_x worker he had hired for the night.


She allegedly drugged and dumped him in a maize field near Kambuzuma.

The s3x worker, Definitely Chirove, and her accomplice, Takunda Mandaza, were not asked to plead when they appeared in court over the weekend.

Allegations are that on August 27, last year, the two connived to steal the unnamed complainant’s car, after he had hired Chirove for the night.

Chirove allegedly spiked the complainant’s beer with an unknown substance.

When he became unconscious, Chirove and Mandaza drove his Toyota Wish vehicle and dumped him near GMB Aspindale.

The two allegedly drove the car to Chirove’s rural home in Gutu.

Last Wednesday, police officers, from the Vehicle Theft Squad, received information which led to Mandaza’s arrest.

She implicated Chirove who led the police to her rural home where the vehicle was parked.

Source: H-Metro