Teacher in sodomy storm
Crimes and Courts

Teacher in sodomy storm

A PRIMARY schoolteacher in Mbizo, Kwekwe, has been arrested for allegedly sodomising a 35-year-old man.


Joy Chirenjani is expected to appear in court soon.

The case was reported under CRB 78/10/22 at Kwekwe Central Police Station.

Chirenjani allegedly sodomised the victim (name withheld) after giving him a drink laced with an unknown substance.

However, Chirenjani dismissed the accusations as a form of blackmail. “He is trying to blackmail me since he is demanding US$1 000.

“We went for the medicals, and they came out negative.

“He was accusing me of infecting him. Even the sodomy effects were not found.

“The issue is now with the police and will be in court soon,” he said.

However, the complainant insisted he just wants to be treated for the injuries he sustained.

“On the day in question, he gave me a drink, which had a substance, which he made me weak.

“I felt weak and passed out, only to wake up feeling some pain.

“After that, he sent a certain prophet to poison me in a bid to cover up the sodomy.

“I now have a problem as if I have cancer.

“I just want to be helped with medication.”

He added:

“We met and became friends before he raped me.

“He knew exactly what he wanted from me.

“Akandiitira hutsinye hwekurara neni pamusoro pazvo kwakutsvaga munhu anondiisira poison kuti nyaya ingorove.

“I confronted him about it, and he pleaded for forgiveness.”