UZ Student “Rapes” Lover In Her Office
Crimes and Courts Rape

UZ Student “Rapes” Lover In Her Office

A 22-year-old University of Zimbabwe student was on Saturday arrested for allegedly raping his 23-year-old lover at her workplace.


Tamuda Dyirakumunda of Mt Hampden and his alleged victim, who is on the attachment under the Ministry of Local Government and Public Works, are both UZ students.

The victim has since been referred to Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals for medical examination.


ZRP spokesperson in Harare Province, Inspector Luckmore Chakanza, confirmed the alleged rape and Dyirakumunda’s arrest to H-Metro. He said:


Police arrested a University of Zimbabwe student for allegations that he raped his lover aged 23.


Circumstances are that the complainant and accused were girlfriend and boyfriend and are both students at the University of Zimbabwe.

On March 26, the complainant was reported to have invited the accused to her workplace for an appointment.


They met in the complainant’s office at around 5 pm when everyone else had gone home.


The accused person asked to have sexual intercourse with the complainant but the complainant refused.


The accused person started caressing the complainant who was wearing a pair of jean trousers and ended up raping her without protection.

The complainant did not tell anyone about the abuse.

On April 7, the accused person told the complainant that their relationship was over.

On April 8, the complainant lodged a police report against the accused leading to his arrest.

According to Katswe Sistahood, Date Rape is rape in which there has been some sort of romantic or a potential romantic relationship between the two parties.

They said date rape often occurs when seduction fails and the offender proceeds without consent.

However, offenders often go unpunished because victims might justify their actions using their relationship status, that is, boyfriend or lover.

The Zimbabwe Women Lawyers Association (ZWLA) said rape is when a male has vaginal or anal sexual intercourse with a female person without her consent.

The male person should also have realised the real risk that the female person may not have consented to sexual intercourse.

Penetration should have occurred and the degree of penetration is not of importance.

Source: Pindula News