Crimes and Courts


A SUSPECTED armed robber ran out of luck after he was stabbed by one of his victims during a robbery along Simon Mazorodze Road.

On their way, they manhandled Dick and struck him with a brick before they stole US$32, his identity card, bank cards, shoes and cellphone.

They later dumped him in Houghton Park and disappeared with his car.

Later that same night, they allegedly robbed Nigel Mutekairi, who they offered a lift to Budiriro, but took the opposite turn to Machipisa.

They threatened him with a knife and demanded that he surrender all his possessions.

He gave them his phone, US$2 and $200.

They then offered Obert Chikuwa a lift to Budiriro and one of them produced a knife and demanded his possessions.

Chikuwa fought with them and stabbed Jeke in the stomach leaving his intestines protruding.

Jeke’s two accomplices fled and Chikuwa ran towards some houses shouting for help.

The police reacted and arrested Jeke at the scene as he could not flee due to the stabbing.