WATCH: Zimbabwean Obama says his party is better than Chamisa’s CCC and Mnangagwa’s Zanu-PF

WATCH: Zimbabwean Obama says his party is better than Chamisa’s CCC and Mnangagwa’s Zanu-PF

Robert Chapman of the Democratic Union of Zimbabwe addressed a press conference where he pitches their vision why he feels that his party is better than Zanu-PF and the opposition Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC).


A few days ago the Alliance for the People’s Agenda (APA) formerly led by Nkosana Moyo endorsed Chapman and his Democratic Union of Zimbabwe (DUZ).

In a statement issued on Wednesday, APA said it could not in good conscience form an alliance with either Zanu-PF, MDC, or the CCC, because they did not share the same values of meritocracy-based politics.


“We cannot in all conscience support either Zanu-PF or the MDC in its various guises, including that of CCC.


“Both parties have consistently displayed a culture of violence, intolerance towards those who might challenge the top leadership, misogyny and a lack of depth in finding practical solutions to the self-inflicted challenges that face our country,” APA said in their statement.