Zimbabwean Music Producer Levelz Engages in Surprise Proposal


Zimbabwean music producer, Levelz, surprised his girlfriend and fans alike yesterday by proposing to his long-term partner . The artist has managed to keep this relationship out of public eye


Levelz is a well-known figure in Zimbabwe’s music scene. He has produced music for some of the country’s biggest artists and has won several awards for his work. However, this relationship has largely been kept out of the public eye until now.


The proposal came as a complete shock to everyone including the lady


The proposal has been met with widespread praise and congratulations from fans and fellow musicians alike. Many have expressed their admiration for Levelz’s courage and his willingness to share such a personal moment with his fans. Others have commented on the couple’s obvious love for each other and have wished them all the best for their future together.


Overall, Levelz’s surprise proposal has been a heartwarming moment for Zimbabwe’s music scene and a reminder of the power of love and commitment. As Levelz and his fiancé prepare for their future together, fans and well-wishers alike will undoubtedly be eagerly anticipating the next chapter in their love story.

Source: Online